url-15There aren’t many more legendary unproduced film projects than Kubrick’s Napoleon, into which the director poured an immeasurable amount of time and effort to plan what he hoped would be the “greatest film ever made.” Alas, the failure of other films in the genre prevented him from going forward with the vast, expensive production.

Well, once again, Steven Spielberg would like to pick up where Stanley left off and is apparently working with the Kubrick Estate to develop a mini-series based on Kubrick’s immense research and early screenplay (all of which have been published since). There’s no cable partner as of yet (Spielberg has a history with HBO of course), and it’s unclear how fast of a track this is on. Spielberg has projects in motion currently, but nothing definitively monopolizing his attention, so it’s a possibility this could move ahead as his next directing project.

British theatrical actor David Hemmings was Kubrick’s choice to play the role of Napoleon when he was developing it- I wonder who Spielberg will find for us now. Any ideas?


Source | Deadline