Joblo’s Paul Tassi says that he has some new details about the upcoming Men In Black III.  Apparently, Tassi got his hands on a current version of the script that’s loose out there somewhere.  Here are the highlights of what Tassi says he’s learned:

The film has Agent J sent back in time to 1969 where he teams up with a young
K to stop an evil villain named Yaz from destroying the world in the

– Yaz is a badass biker type (portrayed by Flight of the Conchord’s Jemaine Clement).

– K (Josh Brolin) is supposed to be 26 in 1969. 

A new cast of celebrities
are revealed as aliens in this era, among them Yoko Ono, Jimi Hendrix,
Castro, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Andy Warhol, who actually has an
extended scene where he aids Jay and Kay on their mission.

The general idea is that Yaz travels back in time to kill K, which
sets off a chain of events that ends in the destruction of the world.

Me personally, I seem to be one of the minority who actually wouldn’t mind an MIIIB;
nor who feels the need to automatically say the whole thing is
pooch-screwed from the beginning (that may, of course, end up being the
case, but hey, why hope for such a thing?).  Now, depending on
how much of any of this pans out, have to say that I’m disappointed in
the premise.  The strength of the first film was its decided
tongue-in-cheek and deadpan comedic approach to the story, as well as
Smith’s and Jones’ interplay.  If a good slice of the movie is
replaced by Smith and Brolin, then that goes the copout route to
me.  Also, I was still holding out hope that Alpha
would be the villain here.  Hell David Warner could even
return to reprise his role from the series.  That would have
worked for me quite well.  As it is, Yaz sounds like a Lobo

Whatever it ends up being, can we just get more of the first film than the second please?  That’s all I ask.