Paramount is angling to get Jack Ryan out there and pissing off terrorists once again, this time with captain Kirk himself
in the lead role. Whatever original scribe Adam Cozad turned in
apparently didn’t get Paramount especially excited though, as they’ve
hired Anthony Peckham, writer of Invictus, Sherlock Holmes, and The Book of Eli, to have a go at the script.

The film, which may have Lost
executive producer and director Jack Bender on tap to direct, will
follow Ryan in his younger years, defeating Russian assholes in the
great tradition of Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, and CHUD Podcast
superstar Justin Waddell’s favorite actor, Benna Fleck. The film is
trying to get rolling ASAP so Chris Pine will be able to wedge it in
before Abrams finishes Super 8 and gets rolling on Star Trek 2.

hiring of a second writer may be due in part to this being an original
Ryan tale, the first that won’t be sourced from a Tom Clancy novel.
There’s also strong desire for a new revitalized franchise, so the
studio is probably keeping a close eye towards building a solid
foundation for future films.

Source | Hollywood Reporter

Want/need/fondling yourself for Ryan to be back on the big screen? Let us know on the CHUD Message Board.