365 days of Sci-Fi (Archive)

From the mind behind the mega-hit Syfy show you’ve probably never heard of (EUREKA) comes a tribute to all those no-budget Syfy original movies and the “so bad, they’re good” films that inspired them. Move over Roger Corman, step back Ed Wood, make way on your weekend programming schedule Mr. Stern, because here comes Andrew Cosby’s 365 DAYS OF SCI-FI.

And it’s all happening here! Each day, your friends at CHUD will bring you a brand new bad movie pitch — the best of the worst title Cosby can come up with, no matter where he’s at or what he’s doing, rain or shine, drunk or sober. That’s a whole year of the quality concepts you’ve come to expect from the network that brought you MANSQUITO and SHARKTOPUS.

Day 1Day 2Day3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10

Day 11 – Day 12 – Day 13 – Day 14 – Day 15 – Day 16 – Day 17 – Day 18

And now… DAY TWELVE:

“I’m not a big believer in the whole “pick your top ten movies” thing. For me the list is constantly evolving, depending on my mood, the weather, what I ate for breakfast, etc.  When it comes to science fiction, Star Wars, Alien, Blade Runner, The Thing… they’re all up there.  But if someone put a gun to my head and told me to pick my favorite movie of all time, there’s a good chance, under such extreme pressure, I would likely blurt out Raiders of the Lost Ark.  There’s just something unbelievably cool about the tone of that film, the way Lucas and Spielberg borrowed the best of each other’s sensibilities,so seamlessly blending pulp storytelling with supernatural spectacle. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a perfect movie.  And let’s face it,there is no better villain than the Nazis.

– Andy Cosby

You don’t have to be crazy to do what they do… but it helps.


In the final days of WWII, military intelligence is just now beginning to learn the full extent of Hitler’s interest in the occult and his various attempts to harness its power.  Consequently, a brash army Captain about to be court-martialed is handpicked by a covert government agency and tasked with unraveling the various “paranormal projects” instituted by the Nazis.  Partnered with a brilliant and beautiful civilian scientist, the Captain assembles his own specialized commando unit populated by soldiers who are either considered unfit for duty or simply have nothing left to lose.  Under the codename Section 8, the Captain and his team venture into places unknown to dissect, debunk, defend, and dismantle Hitler’s various occult weapons initiatives.

Nick Says: I totally can see this being like a delightful mixture of Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. With Hellboy and Captain America sprinkling some delightful Nazi dust on the proceedings. A huge opportunity for both Phil Joanou and Neal McDonough to recsusitate their careers.


This article series is in no way affiliated with SyFy. This is a creative experiment and ongoing test of nerves that is perpetrated by a few insane people and should be construed as such. If for some reason these people actually make one of these as a feature it must be chalked up to their own lunacy. These are the intellectual property of Mr. Andrew Cosby and not the property of CHUD.com or SyFy.