I am excited about The Lincoln Lawyer.

A great cast. A very well made trailer. Good word of mouth. It all looks like a fun time at the movies…

And though there was a time where our cinematic landscape was overrun with legal thrillers that time has passed. It’s time for more and who better than Matthew “I rocked A Time to Kill like nobody’s business” McConaughey?

Atlanta folks, this one’s simple. Using the link below, answer one very simple question for us and it’ll send an email into our inbox for the screening here Monday the 14th. If you win, we’ll send you a passcode so you can print a ticket and be among the first to see the movie. It’s all very simple.

Tomorrow, GUY.com launches. It’s a sister site to CHUD.com only bigger! It’s a culture site built for men AND women. It’s fun and quirky as well as broad and epic in scope and it’s filled with a lot of fun articles and will be concussive in the amount of entertainment it brings you on a daily basis (including weekends). It’s a site I am the madman behind but one that is far more expansive than CHUD.com.

Question: Can you Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter friend us and spread the work once the site launches? We need ya!

If you were able to accomplish the above, use THIS LINK and enter for a pass!