April 30

Film/TV: Thor. A movie I absolutely loved. A little of the Braves’ loss to the Cardinals. Another lead thrown away late. Hate.

Music: El Michels’ Affair Sounding out the City.

Comedy: Nada.

Food/Drink/Inhalents: Starbucks coffee after the movie. A little grilled chicken and vegetables. Leftovers. No booze. No smoke.

Family: With the ladies out of town Rocco was my little sidekick, but Mom was huge and hung around to help (ie: do most everything) while I prepared for my under the deck project (slang).

Friends: I brought Pat’s son and his buddy to the screening and we had a nice turnout of Chewers for Thor. Micah, Andrea, Gray, Cliff, Renn, Mac, and more. And this was one of the most appreciative and warming crowds we’ve had in a while. I think because it wasn’t a workday for most. Andrea took on the task of brainstorming the logistics of the home improvement project. Doing the math [more on that tomorrow] and conceiving the way to pull it off.

Work: Running the screening. It went really well.

Animal of the Day: No animals on weekends, but here VULTURE again!

Art: Nope, unless you consider planning a work project art.

Goodies: Loads of materials for building.

Screenwriting: Never.

Projects: Under the Deck: After the loss of our amazing on-deck gazebo/pavillion/tent thing, which was nurtured into being an amazing place to hang out… the efforts moved to beneath where the wind and elements were unable to intrude. It is an undertaking. The area needs a lot of work.

Minutia: I cannot wait until Fox Sports’ contract with MLB goes away.

Activity: Lifting. Carrying. Moving. Hauling.

Ailments: Nope.

Shrink’s Chair: I am sort of proud that I’m losing some readers and contributors. Whatever CHUD is and will be is kinda my thing. Some folks don’t fit into that. And frankly, we’re older now. Our needs and wants are different. I think there’s a capacity for a bunch of new blood too, or hope there is. But regardless, I let control of the site slip for along time. Now, for better or worse it’s my ship.

Asshole(s) of the Day: Body Odor McGovern walking out of Thor stinking like 900 wars.

True Trivia: I thought Thor was the silliest and most goofy comic growing up.

What Did I Learn Today: There are some great, silent CHUD readers in Atlanta.

Link of the Day: Wikileaks Directive. Scary shit.

Looking ahead to tomorrow: Manual labor.

The Day’s Rating:


Out of a Possible 5 Stars


Discussion thread for Finding a Discipline.
