Apologies if this comes across as hit-whoring or silly, but I was actually shocked that something like this worked for me. I rarely have the patience to invest any time in the viral campaigns for movies, even when I’m interested in them.

In case you haven’t already heard, The Dark Knight Rises began its viral campaign with a stunt that didn’t work perfectly (the image accidentally linked a bit early) but still lit twitter up like wildfire with its #thefirerises hashtag and account. You can read about how it went down in the other article, but the basic function is that by tweeting the hashtag, the TDKR site would pick-up your tweet and add your avatar to a slowly-building collage of Bane (with individual avatars viewable in a magnifying window that follows your cursor). The unaltered photo has leaked but you can still watch the avatar-version growing on the main site, and you can still tweet to be a part of it.

I did so, and much to my surprise, I actually found my avatar after only a few minutes! I’m part of a tricep!

Click to BANE

As I said before, I rarely have the patience to get involved, but there is something pretty fun about finding yourself amongst all the thousands of pictures, and being a part of such a cool image.

Anybody else participating? If you can find yourself as well, we’d love to see your screencaptures…

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