Real or not (and I’ll wager you it’s the later) that’s an awful purty muzzle flash!

Today we get the treat of a few new pictures from this year’s Skyfall, which is this year’s Novermber 9th James Bond release. While I’m sure we’ll all quite eager for a full trailer, but we’ve gotten a few nice production videos (the first of which I covered here, and the newer ones are included below) and now these pictures.

This is an exciting project as it is once again pairing Roger Deakins with the Alexa digital motion-picture camera, which is a remarkable device when exploited well. I don’t know that In Time lived up to anyone’s expectations of a Deakins-shot film, but I’ve got a feeling a Bond flick will bring the best out of him.

These stills are not likely to have been pulled from actual footage, so don’t take this as cinematographic gospel- just a hint and indication of how things should look. Take look- there’s several dramatic shots of Craig of course, but one of Fiennes looking all hard as well. I also included a few BTS shots from the Facebook page that I hadn’t seen yet. They’re older, but blowing up mansions is cool!

And here are the production videos…

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