Movie News

We could simply cut and paste stories from Variety, but we don’t. We’re too amazing for that. We RETYPE articles from Variety…


I have to admit I was growing weary of Jack Black’s whole zany rocker shtick, so it was nice to see him playing against metalhead type in King Kong, even if I never actually believed him in the role. Now he’s taking his manic energy south of the border for Nacho Libre, a comedy (one assumes) … Continue reading


Ridley Scott is kinda like Steven Spielberg or David Fincher in that he always seems to be orbiting a number of projects but only rarely sets down the skiffs. Commitment-phobic? Capricious? Overly ambitious? Hey, if it means we don’t get another G.I. Jane, take your sweet time deciding, Sir. With his vino movie A Good … Continue reading


I’ll save most of my snark for Oscar night, when we’ll probably do the traditional running commentary on the site and/or message boards here. But my initial impressions? I’d like to see Munich or Good Night, and Good Luck in the Picture, Director and Actor categories. I think that despite being in a town notorious … Continue reading


What is this? Every single day of the week (almost), a new "Graboid", a single moment grabbed from a random movie, appears on this site for you to guess the name of the film, share with your officemates, or discuss on our message boards. Sometimes the Graboid will be very easy and sometimes it’ll be … Continue reading


There’s nothing worse than thinking you’re funny/hip/edgy when the reality is you just absolutely suck. That is the reality of the Razzies, a relatively harmless novelty award that rewards films in the field of shittiness. Yet, why do they still seem to piss me off? I don’t know. It’s like that guy on our message … Continue reading


I have complete faith in Sam Raimi et al when it comes to the Spider-Man franchise. The only thing that I have ever felt was missing from the films was Spidey’s wise-cracks – they’re there, but they should be coming faster. I certainly never felt that the films skimped on villains. But someone must have, … Continue reading


Bring It On with a balance beam and vault horse? Yeah, that’s pretty much what the high school comedy Stick It seems to be (it comes from the writer of that pom-pom gem), complete with direct-to-vid quality dialogue. It also has lots of tight-bodied young lasses, which pretty much guarantees a ticket purchase from me … Continue reading


You know how a news anchor will have to follow a story about the local dog parade with one about a four year old girl getting scalded to death? McG is trying one of those sorts of switch-ups, following his next film, the toy car movie Hot Wheels, with an as yet untitled film about … Continue reading