People don’t really like America all over the world. That’s why the following news story doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise to anyone except for maybe Tea Partiers that get outraged at everything.

Marvel Studios’ Captain America: The First Avenger will simply be known as The First Avenger in the Ukraine, South Korean, and Russian markets. The story was first broken by the L.A. Times’s Hero Complex, who claim that the titling has more to do with “a matter of brand management and consumer awareness” instead of any political dealings. I guess it’s a possibility, but I’m still a bit skeptical.

What’s surprising to me personally is just how few markets the change will be in. Again, America’s not entirely possible, so to make a movie with a character that literally has the country in his name might spell certain doom in the international markets. Pure conjecture, but a little name change won’t stop Marvel, as Captain America will be waving his flag all over the world on July 21st.