full-ben-affleck-1891378472In 2004 Ben Affleck purged the movie star lodged in his colon and became an actor and a filmmaker. Since then he’s arguably been one of the most consistent, fun, and gifted people in his trade.

First, step into his shoes for a moment.

You’re in your late 20’s and have an Oscar and millions in the bank. You’re offered every role and every vagina in every direction. It’s very hard to stay the course. He choice to enjoy it and ride the wave while his buddy Matt stayed the course. What would we have done in his shoes? Hard to tell. Especially since we don’t have his looks. Also, consider this. In his so called dark years he still made some good films. Changing Lanes is excellent. The Sum of All Fears is quite good. There’s something about Bounce. After 2004 and all the tabloid shit he got back on path and became the grown up Ben Affleck and most of his work since has been fantastic. He’s 3 for 3 as a director. He is in the best shape of his life. He’s won.

And now he’s Batman. And the internet made a big poopie on it.

The guy has the looks. The experience. The physicality.  The chin. The DAMAGE. Years of scrutiny. He wears the wealth well. The hard shell and jacked up interior. He has Daredevil.

The guy’s perfect. I like many was baffled when I heard the news. Now I’m afraid he’ll chicken out before it happens because of the backlash. He’s right for Batman. He’s so right it hurts.